Friday Aug 04, 2023

Reclaiming The Sexual Instinct

Stephanie Jaie is back for a final episode in our three part series on sexual empowerment. In this episode Kara and Stephanie discuss their experience of erotic energy and how it has supported their own emergence. 

What is the role of pleasure and how do we connect with it?

Why do people fear sexual instinctual energy?

And for our typology friends, further exploration of Stephanie's Enneagram Type (is she a three or a seven???) and instinctual stack. 

Kara enjoys coaching couples and individuals that are experiencing issues around the sexuality circuit. She uses typology, resonant healing, and nonviolent communication to support healing and connection. Schedule a free 30 minute meet and greet at if you'd like to explore working together.

You can sign up for Stephanie's Sexual Empowerment Academy at

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